


  • Communicating with experts and diving deep into the patient's medical records.
  • Sketching the exhibit design.
  • Humanizing the patient through the use of the patient's face derived from the patient's medical records.
  • Research and sketch the described bleeds mentioned within the patient's health records. 
  • Illustrate and color the exhibit.
  • Delivering the final exhibit on time. 

Missed diagnosis / Plaintiff's claim

65 year old woman with a history of mitral valve replacement who was taking the anticoagulant medication Coumadin was admitted into the emergency room due to a seizure. After images of the brain were taken the seizures were determined to have been caused by multiple subdural hematomas of which ultimately lead to the patient's passing. At the time of admittance the INR level  of the patient was that of 6, a level that given the patient's medical history and medications should fall between 2.5 -3.5. The patient had been experiencing elevated INR levels, a nose bleed, and headaches prior to the emergency admittance. The Patient sought medical care where between days prior where INR levels as high as 8.0 were recorded yet not treated. Due to this deviation in standard of care the patient had bleeding in and outside the brain which created pressure on the tissue resulting  inbrain damage and ultimately loss life.


Visual strategy

A visual strategy was developed that would depict the resulting brain bleeds, their size/location, and effects on the brain tissues.



The challenge presented was creating illustrations of the brain bleeds using only the patient's medical and radiology report findings but without receiving patient CT scans.  



See above.