
Interactive courtroom

This interactive gives the medical expert full control of the patient's data in a way that engages the jury while explaining the pathology of the plaintiff. 


  • Communicating with experts and diving deep into the patient's medical records.
  • Sketching the interactive design.
  • Humanizing the patient through the use of the patient's face segmented from the patient's CT data.
  • Segmenting the patient's skull from the patient's CT scans.
  • Delivering the final exhibit on time. 

Missed diagnosis / Plaintiff's claim

A 16 month old male sustained a fall that resulted in a traumatic skull injury. After 5 days in the hospital with a frontal bone fracture extending to the right orbital wall, the patient was discharged with an upper respiratory infection. The patient returned to the hospital a day later seizing and unresponsive from a missed CNS infection. This ultimately resulted in extensive permanent post-secondary brain injuries.  

Visual strategy

A visual strategy was developed that would explain the pathway of infection. This demonstration is to explain the relationship between the skull fractures and the upper respiratory infection from the patient's nasal cavity which identifies the distinct route of infection.  


The challenge was explaining the patients pathology in a way that allows a 360 degree view of the fracture so the jury can visualize the pathway of infection in a way that engages them and allows for exploration.  


A tablet friendly interactive that allows the medical expert to zoom and pan through the patient's anatomy to give the jury a clear understanding of the pathway of infection.