
Anthony Faiola, PhD, PI


Manjun Chai, MS

Haleh Vatani, MS


Diabetic health

1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with Type One or Type Two diabetes annually. With 252,806 death certificates listing diabetes as an underlying or contributing cause of mortality, there's a need for better management of this disease.  


  • User Interviews 
  • Competitive analysis
  • Content Maping
  • Wireframing 
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Usability Testing 

the problem space

Existing hypoglycemia (HYPO) detection relies on analyzing blood glucose levels by continuous monitoring, saliva, urine, and skin prick methods, all of which have limited accuracy. Diabetes alert dogs (DADs) are trained to detect HYPO by smelling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in breath. DADs demonstrated more accurate and faster detection than existing detection methods.



An electronic nanosensor that mimics  a canine's ability to detect HYPO from VOCs in breath that outputs data  to a mobile health smartphone app. Using VOC sensor-tracking, patients receive numeric readings, data visualizations, and HYPO alerts. Team work consists of consumer-centered design, development, and testing of a mobile app for pushed data from nano-sensor.


Consumer-centered design

Interview Users

19 Type I and Type II diabetics were interviewed to understand in what way people with Diabetes might benefit from the use of a new technology that quickly/easily measures glucose levels through human breath. These interviews were also conducted to get feedback about the type of information
that would be the most beneficial for diabetes patients, e.g., what type of mobile app interface data graphics would be ideal.

Competitive Analysis

A feature comparison was created to understand the features and flow of two competing applications already on the market. Functionality, design, and content were compared and complied for analysis. 


wireframes and protoptying  

Acceptance criteria based off of interviews, competitive analysis, and persona building was structured into backlogs, sitemaps, wireframes, and ultimately, the primary prototype. 


Usability Testing and Results

Usability tests and results are still pending.